I can’t believe we’re already two days past Halloween, although I knew it would be too ambitious trying to publish this post on the night of the 31 October…
The boys have been quite excited about dragons for a while now – not only since we’ve been reading “Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss”. So they wanted to be dragons for Halloween. And I’m actually quite happy that they chose dragons over dinosaurs. That way, we had more design freedom and I could add awesome features like wings, yey!
For Timo I chose to go for the same green and navy colour combination that I used for Jakob’s stuffed dragon. And just because I can, I decided to give him ears, too. They might not be an essential or even typical feature for a dragon, but I find they certainly add to the cuteness factor. And for the shape I stayed close to the ones I made for the Gruffalo’s Child last year, just kept them a little smaller.
Yannick requested to be a red dragon, just like Kokosnuss. I didn’t want to go for an exact copy of the kids book character thought and therefore made grey wings instead of purple ones, same as the spikes. For a moment I was a bit worried that he would miss Kokosnuss’s blue baseball cap and possibly criticize some other details, but we were good. For a while he was even flying through our living room as the big red dragon from “Room on the broom”, one of our latest acquaintances. That’s great flexibility, isn’t it?! 😉
I didn’t get many chances for costume fittings while making them. Timo was only willing to try on the hoods after being bribed with cinnamon apples and as to the dragons’ tails, somehow the boys figured that it was more fun to wear them as hats…
But somehow the two fleece suits still got finished in time and in the end, both boys were excited to dress up.
In the morning we went to pre-school and playgroup. I really enjoyed seeing all the kids run around in their costumes. My personal favorite were the bouncing tails. I liked that (even though bulky) they didn’t seem to bother the boys while playing on the floor or sitting down for snack time. Now if only they were car seat-compatible… 😛
Later in the afternoon, the two dragons played with their Duplo trains.
To mark the occasion we had also made some monster cookies and a bat banner, so I thought it would be okay to skip the pumpkin carving this year. But coming home from playgroup, we found two big orange surprises waiting on the dining table – and we did have to get our hands dirty… 😉
Hope you all had a great day!
Would love to know if there’s a pattern available for these?
Hi Mallory,
Thank you for your comment, but unfortunately, I do not have a pattern. I made these dragon onesies a couple of years ago for my kiddos, using some of their pjs as a size reference for the bodies and added hoodies and more details. I find the fleece quite forgiving to work with and am hoping you’ll give it a try to make your own version! Good luck!