REGISTRATION IS CLOSED (March 10th – 15th)
Are you ready to join a rather unconventional quilt workshop?
Do you feel intrigued by the idea of going beyond what’s described in a particular quilt pattern? Have you ever thought about customizing and combining different patterns to create new and unique quilty adventures?

I am passionate about mixing and matching elements from several different patterns. Whether that is to increase the size of the quilt, add some seasonal details or simply have some extra fun.
(Check out my Pattern Blender gallery if you’d like to get an idea of what I’m talking about!)
And I would like to invite YOU to try the same!
Join my in-depth workshop and stitch up your very
own and unique Pattern Blender adventure!
I’ll hold your hand and guide you step by step!
You will learn…
- … how to arrange elements from different quilt patterns in a new layout.
- … how to create an assembly plan for your quilt top and stay organized.
- … how to determine piece dimensions and fabric requirements.
- … how to choose colours and fabrics for a cohesive look.
And more.
After this workshop, you’ll have all the skills you need to dream up new adventures from existing quilt patterns and bring them to life.
The details of this online workshop
- Everyone works on their own individual project.
Combine 2 or more quilt patterns, or customize them in other ways. You can choose a project featured in my Pattern Blender gallery, or come up with your very own idea. Be creative and have fun, I can’t wait to see!
- 10 weeks – starting March 17th.
Every Sunday you’ll receive an email with an overview of the week’s program.
- Weekly video calls (lessons + Q&A sessions).
Struggling with visualization, construction or quilt math? I’ll be guiding you step-by-step through this project, sharing all my tips and tricks and answering questions that you’ll encounter on your quilty journey. The video calls will be on Tuesdays, 12 pm (noon) ET, and replays will be available for those unable to join live.
- A community.
Participants can exchange and discuss ideas, and cheer each other on in a community of like-minded quilters! It’s a private little space hosted on my website.
- 25% shop discount.
You’ll receive a coupon code which you can use on any patterns in my shop for the duration of the workshop.
Our weekly schedule

Frequently asked questions
- Do I have to come up with my own quilt layout?
While I am running this workshop to spark the joy of customizing and creatively combining quilt patterns, there is no pressure to come up with your own idea. You can also choose to follow one of my existing tutorials or get inspired by the suggestions presented during the workshop.
- I love this idea, but have never customized a quilt before. How do I do that?
One of the tools you’ll be able to use is a printable planning sheet which you’ll receive after registration. It includes all my designs at the same scale, so you can see how the blocks/sizes/proportions work together. A real visual impression is so helpful! From there, we’ll systematically tackle the project in bite-sized chunks.

- What are the time commitment and project size?
It is entirely up to you if you are going for a pillow cover, wall hanging or other small project, or a bed-sized quilt. The schedule accounts for 6 weeks of actual sewing. But we all know that life happens – therefore, all the resources will still be available after the 10 weeks, so you can finish your project at your own pace.
- I am terrified of quilt math – is that a problem?
I will do my best to support you on your journey of determining block sizes and dealing with seam allowances. You’ll see, it’s not nearly as scary or difficult as you might think!
- What topics are you covering in your lessons?
I will help you with every step from planning your quilt layout, creating an assembly plan and determining the dimensions of all your pieces to identifying the material requirements and choosing colours and fabrics. Then, we’ll dive into the fun of sewing up our unique quilty adventures together.
- Are you making a quilt as well?
You bet! I challenged myself to come up with a mash-up that combines 6+ patterns (!) and will be using that example to teach my approach to Pattern Blending. In addition, I’ll provide you with plenty of other mock-ups and ideas.
- What quilting skill level is required for this workshop?
You should be able to independently follow the patterns you are using during this workshop . My support will be focused on combining/customizing the patterns, not the potential challenges within each pattern. So be sure to choose your patterns (beginner/intermediate, traditional/FPP, etc.) according to your confidence level to avoid frustration!
- Can I still join after March 15th?
No. Registration closes on March 15th, midnight ET. You won’t be able to join after.
- Does the workshop fee include any patterns?
No, it doesn’t. I expect that participants will be using varying numbers of patterns, and some might already have their patterns while others don’t. Therefore I decided not to build any patterns into the pricing but offer them separately at a discount.
- Am I limited to using Apples & Beavers patterns?
As I can’t share details from other designers’ patterns, I will only be covering examples from my own design library (plus a few others that I have explicit permission for). But of course you can choose to use any patterns you like, include some traditional quilt blocks, or even come up with your own elements! The sky is the limit!
Sounds exciting? I’d love to welcome you aboard!
If you have any further questions not covered above, please comment below or send an email to I’ll be more than happy to help!
I’m in Australia so I think your course will be 4am here ?
Will I lose a lot of communication and interaction doing it later ?
Hi Susan,
Yes, I recognize that’s not a very doable time, sorry! You can submit questions anytime between calls and I’ll be sure to cover them. All the rest (the replays, emails and community forum) shouldn’t be affected by different time zones.
Hi Astrid,
Tuesdays at 12:00 are not good for me unless maybe spring break. I will do my best to stay on task if I enroll but I’m wondering how long will the replays be available to view and will we be able to submit questions?
Thanks ~ Wendy
Hi Wendy,
Yes, please submit questions anytime between calls! That actually helps me a lot, especially if certain questions come up repeatedly. Or also if I can prepare a diagram or similar for a more detailed answer during the subsequent call. The replays will be available at least a year from now. I am planning to keep the community/course platform alive for longer than that of course (and the period would extend accordingly), but 12 months is all I can truly guarantee right now.
My husband uses our long arm several days a week to do our edge to edge customers quilts. I use it in between wanting to learn more custom work I have a Gammill with zippered leaders. Will I be able to take my project on and off during the 10 weeks? Also, will you be offering this class again, I own a store and am in the Texas shop hop currently and a later session would be better for me.
Hi Charlotte,
I would love to offer this workshop again, but I don’t have a timeline planned at this point, sorry.
As to your first question: During the first 4 weeks of the workshop, we’ll be planning our quilt tops. Over the following 6 weeks, we’ll sew our blocks and assemble our quilt tops. You can quilt your quilt top anytime after completion. I will share some tips/ideas on quilting, but it won’t be an essential part of the workshop.
I will be away for two weeks in April (6-18) will that be an issue in being in your course? Thanks!
Hi Stella,
I would say that depends on a few things. Firstly, how big of a project you’re choosing to make in the first place. Keep in mind that six of the ten weeks account for sewing our quilt tops (the first four weeks are for planning and getting your materials ready). The calls will be recorded and available as replays, so if your personal schedule allows for some more condensed catch-up after your return, that would also help.
Thank you. Plenty of time to catch up as I am retired. I have owned your Dragon pattern since Mad About Patchwork first stocked it. Time to make it and when better than with you, the designer.
Oh, thank you! I’d be so happy to welcome you aboard! 💛
Est-ce que l’inscription comprend les patrons?
Salut Micheline,
Non. Je présume que le nombre de patrons utilisés varie beaucoup parmi les participants. Puis, il y aura des uns qui ont leur patrons déjà. J’ai alors décidé d’offrir un rabais au lieu d’inclure des patrons.