In my last post I told you about my latest hand-quilting adventures. And while I really enjoyed the process of hand-stitching some details into the quilt, admittedly my finger got a little sore. So after taping it with a triple layer of band-aid as a short-term solution I ordered a leather thimble which I believed would work best with my sewing technique. Unfortunately, I only received it after the project was already finished and since my next quilt is not quite in sight I wasn’t sure when I would first be able to actually test-drive my new little helper.
But then our youngest monster turned into a crawler over night – still can’t believe it! – and this pair of pants that I had already put aside for mending a few weeks ago got my attention again. So here we are, two leather hearts and a few hand stitches later, and some hand-me-downs from older brothers are undeniably girly now! 🙂
We’ll see how long they last… I also haven’t done any research about how leather reacts to the washing machine… 🤔
Anyway, it was a nice little project that I was able to finish while the kids were playing lego – with a few interruptions due to sibling fights but I’m still impressed! And as to the thimble: I’ll definitely need a little more practice until it feels like a second skin (ha! 😜) but I can already say that it fulfilled my hopes and expectations and I’m sure it will make my future quilt projects even more fun!
Super cute. I love knee patches.
Yeah, eh?! I also can’t help it – apples, bears, monsters and now hearts, they’re so cute on little knees!